
A destination determines where replayed data will be sent.

Batch currently supports the following replay destinations:

A replay destination can either be:

  • A publicly accessible resource (such as an internet connected Kafka instance on Confluent)

  • or

  • A tunnel created via plumber

A destination will be automatically health-checked for you and its status will be available in the destination view and on the dashboard.

If a destination is "unhealthy", it means that Batch is not able to communicate with it and a replay is likely going to fail.

Batch will replay data to the destination from the following IP's.

Optimal Destination (Geo) Location

Batch's "replayers" are hosted in AWS in the us-west-2 region.

To optimize for throughput, your destinations should be located as physically close as possible to Batch's servers.

If you are unable to "get closer" and require high throughput (10,000+ events/s), reach out to us and we'll see what we can do about standing up infrastructure that's located closer to you.

Kafka Destination

  1. Expose a destination to Batch's outbound IPs

  2. Navigate to 'Destination' and select 'New Destination'

3. Select Kafka as Destination 'Type'

4. Fill in relevant details about Kafka Cluster and Topic

5. Confirm Destination health

RabbitMQ Destination

  1. Expose a destination to Batch's outbound IPs

  2. Navigate to 'Destination' and select 'New Destination'

3. Select RabbitMQ as Destination 'Type'

4. Fill in relevant details about RabbitMQ Cluster and Exchange

5. Confirm Destination health

Amazon SQS Destination


HTTP Destination

  1. Expose a destination to Batch's outbound IPs

  2. Navigate to 'Destination' and select 'New Destination'

3. Select HTTP as Destination 'Type'‌

4. Fill in relevant details about HTTP endpoint

5. Confirm Destination health

Last updated