By far, the most common message envelope utilizes JSON
And for good reason:
It is simple
It is well supported in virtually all programming languages
And is mostly human readable
Choosing JSON
for your message envelope is (probably) a good idea if:
You are adding asynchronous elements to an existing system
You are interfacing with many different programming languages
Establishing new standards in your org is difficult
comes with its fair share of CONS though:
No type safety
Schema-enforcement is not easy
This can be alleviated by using something like JSON Schema but that will require org-wide adoption for it to be effective
Without schema-enforcement, you are more likely to end up with events that are missing critical event data (ie. team B forgot to fill out the "payment_source" field)
No built-in compression; this will influence:
message transfer speed
bandwidth usage
storage cost
No automatic client or server code generation
Batch supports JSON
and does automatic schema inference.
Last updated